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Can Brain Stimulation Help Patients With Depression?

Can Brain Stimulation Help Patients With Depression - A4 Clinics Bhopal, Indore, Noida, Delhi

Depression is extremely common around the world. According to World Health Organization, India has one of the highest percentages of patients with depression. Many patients don’t get treatment because they feel stigmatized. Some patients develop side effects from medications. Yet others get no benefit even after being on multiple medications.

tDCS called transcranial direct current stimulation of the brain is an effective new treatment for depression and other mental conditions such as OCD, anxiety.

Two small electrodes are placed on the scalp in selected areas and very small amount of electric current is applied (2mA). Each session is for 20-22 minutes. Generally, a minimum of 25 sessions are recommended. Patient is sitting or lying comfortably. There is no pain, no side effects.

Science tells us the depression is due to low electrical activity in the brain wiring and circuits in the left frontal side of the brain. tDCS helps by enhancing the activity of the brain which cures patient’s symptoms effectively. tDCS works alone or with medications to treat depression symptoms.

For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact:

Dr. Abha Agrawal, MD, FACP, FACHE Founder A4 CLINICS Robotic Neuro Rehab & Brain Stimulation Centers Delhi | Indore | Bhopal Mob: 7471174920

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